Project Management


Our company “M. NEOCLEOUS Q.S SERVICES L.L.C” provides services in the field of Project Management from the inception to the completion of the Construction of a Project.

Our services are described below:

Coordination of activities of design team from inception to completion.

  1. Analyze in detail employer’s requirements and objectives.
  2. Agree the responsibilities of selected consultants in the development and realization of the final brief.
  3. Develop key programmed dates for all activities and prepare programmed for post-contract periods.
  4. Monitor progress against the agreed programmed and make adjustments as necessary to suit any changed requirements.
  5. Relate financial requirements of the project to the monetary resources available for its implementation.
  6. Preparation of cash flow forecasts and comparisons.
  7. Establish types of meetings and appropriate attendance. Organize, chair and issue agendas and minutes of such meetings.
  8. Coordinate inspections and handover between the employer, the consultants and the contractors.


For additional information or any inquiries regarding our Quantity Surveying Services, please use the contact form or contact us directly as follows:

By email at :

By telephone at : (00357) 25580591 or (00357) 99533436
